Six sentences

A challenge has been issued to choose six random sentences from your writing and put them together. Following are mine, taken from my current work in progress, Box of Rocks.

She and Ted had wanted a small, one-story bungalow in the old section of Summerville, and she was very happy with her ditch.

” … phosphate, I don’t suppose that’s code for Emeralds.”

“I’m going to want to see that note from your chiropractor, darling.”

Maggie was distracted, watching the EMTs struggle to stuff the limp body under the fence.

She shouted through the door, “We’ll just be over at the Inn when you’re, you know, done.”

“Between my holding onto the lantern and your comfortable yet stylish footwear, we may as well have left a sign with our motel room and cell phone numbers.”

5 thoughts on “Six sentences

  1. Okay, the question is, do I take lines from my first book or take lines from the upcoming second . . . hmmmm . . .

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